Maximize Your Success For Life
The Maimonides Leaders Fellowship provides the most promising Jewish students on leading U.S. campuses with a unique opportunity to maximize your ability to succeed in college, relationships and life with ten seminars that reveal the timeless secrets of ancient wisdom and two unforgettable weekend retreats with 40 - 50 rutgers students. Retreats feature speakers such as Hollywood screenwriter David Weiss (Shrek 2, Rugrats, Smurfs< Etc).
Maimonides is not like Hebrew School. It is an interactive, vibrant, relevant exploration of how Jewish wisdom can make ea​ch student more inspired, passionate and successful. The weekly seminars provide an opportunity to step away from the stresses of student life and explore the deeper challenges and questions of today in a warm, safe and open environment.
​​You will hear from some of the most dynamic speakers on the Jewish circuit and meet fascinating Jewish leaders.
You will also have the opportunity to develop friendships that last a lifetime during the seminars and on the retreats.
Tentative Schedule Fall '16
Class Schedule:
Wednesday evenings from 8 -10 PM. Dinner at 7:45
Starting 9/28 through 12/7
Graduation on 12/7
Classes will be held at the Alexander Library, Pane Room, 169 College Ave.
7:45 - 8 Dinner
8 - 8:50 PM - Discussion led by RJX Staff
8:50 - 9 PM - Refreshments and Break
9 - 10 PM - Guest Lecturer
Shabbaton Retreat Schedule:
Fri – Sat Nov 4 - 5 in Far Rockaway, NY
Fri – Sat Nov ​ 18 - 19 in Highland Park, NJ
There will be a make up Shabbaton for students who cannot attend a Shabbaton on one of these dates.
Students are required to complete 2 shabbatons in order to graduate.
Fellows are asked to arrive one hour before candle lighting (sundown).
Transportation will be provided, and excusal notes for missed classes will be given upon request.
(We are a recognized campus chaplaincy.)
Contact Information
Rabbi Meir Goldberg: (908) 596- 1179​​
Lecturers Include
Rabbi Mordechai Brecher
Senior Lecturer, Gateways. Chaplain Israeli Defense Force
Mrs Jill Kaisman
Senior Lecturer, Heritage Retreats
Judge Dan Butler, Lawyer and Judge, State of Pennsylvania​
Rabbi Bentzion Klatzko
The Hollywood Rabbi​
Kurt Stein
VP, Merril Lynch​
1. Twelve Sessions (plus banquet): Each includes an interactive discussion on Jewish practice and holidays, dinner, and one-on-one learning.
2. One Shabbaton: Option 1 - Far Rockaway, NY Nov 4 - 5. Option 2 - Highland Park Nov 18 - 19.
3. Stipend: Upon completion of the Sinai course and Shabbaton, first-time students will receive a $300 voucher that can be used towards a RJX Jewish learning experience of your choice (e.g. MEOR trip, Pathways) for the next two Trip seasons. Second-timers will receive a $200 voucher as well. If you are unable to attend an event or lecture, see the FAQs.
Shabbaton: All transportation is provided and excusal notes for missed classes are available upon request (we are a recognized campus ministry).
Tuesday evenings 7:30- 8:30 PM.
7:30-7:45 Dinner and refreshments
7:45-8:30 Guest speaker
Contact Information
Rabbi Aharon Grossman (917) 515-2052
What if I have to miss one of the events?
Each of the sessions and the shabbaton must be attended. If for some reason you are unable to attend, advance notice must be given in order to qualify for the full voucher amount and a makeup session should be scheduled.
Whom do I contact if I have specific questions about the program?
For any questions regarding the program or Shabbatons, you can contact Rabbi Grossman or Mrs. Lewis. (See contact information above.)
When does my voucher expire?
The voucher is good for the two trip seasons following the semester in SINAI.